Feb 8 – Paintathlon
Come and join Friends of Lee Point for a “Paintathlon”
This free event is to create signs for public display.
3 – 5pm Saturday 8 February
Darwin Community Arts,1 Travers Street, Coconut Grove, Darwin.
Visit this post to see all our posts in one place.
Come and join Friends of Lee Point for a “Paintathlon”
This free event is to create signs for public display.
3 – 5pm Saturday 8 February
Darwin Community Arts,1 Travers Street, Coconut Grove, Darwin.
This monthly newsletter (No. 48) includes, hottest year on record, value of birdwatching, Lee Point DHA housing project, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Greetings Friends,
This monthly newsletter (No. 47) includes, Year in Images and AGM, DHA, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Land clearing at Lee Point/Binybara again dominated the year.
In early May 2024, Stage 2 and 3 were bulldozed by Defence Housing Australia (DHA) and 19 people were arrested.
An investigation into the illegal bulldozing operation at Lee Point by NT authorities will not lead to charges against DHA despite breaches in the NT Planning Act.
Greetings Friends,
This monthly newsletter (No. 46) includes, Darwin birds and biodiversity, old-growth forest and DHA, Christmas ideas, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Good quality binoculars show a much larger and colourful image and allow wildlife to be viewed at a distance without disturbance.
Friends of Lee Point Xmas Lunch – 1200 Sat 7 Dec at Saltwater@Bundilla
This monthly newsletter (No. 45) includes a Senator’s visit, biodiversity and birds, Darwin development, FLP membership, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 44) includes; Shorebird Festival, Casuarina Coastal Reserve and planning, regrowth, DHA under investigation, quiz, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Looking after Darwin’s natural heritage Lee Point beach is arguably the most important place
https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/save-lee-point-corridor-petition Map showing DHA housing project area, land inside orange line to be cleared, Stage 1, 2 and 3 already cleared. Petition to: Hon Tanya Plibersek – Minister for the Environment and Water of Australia, Hon Richard Marles –
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 43) includes; Shorebird Festival, Government planning, DHA under investigation, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Friends of Lee Point believe that Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) should be incorporated into planning policy and habitat corridors included on land use plans.
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 42) includes; NT Election 2024, Government, DHA under investigation, quiz, plants and wildlife.
The ABC 7.30 Report on 30 July 2024 revealed that DHA was being investigated at a Territory and Federal level because of the alledged illegal clearing that happened at Lee Point in early May 2024. This is the press conference on the following day at Parliament House.
An enjoyable morning was spent greeting the traffic with signs like this. Event happened 7.30 – 8.15am Tuesday 30 July at Bagot Rd – Fitzgerald St, Millner.
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 41) includes; NT Election 2024, NT Government planning, DHA is failing community, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Traffic congestion is becoming increasingly worse as more houses are built at Lee Point and the taxpayer will need to foot the bill to fix this problem. The simplest and most cost effective solution is to build the DHA
Come and join us for the Vanderlin Shuffle, 7.30am Tuesday 16 July. Traffic congestion has never been so much fun.
Greetings Friends,
This monthly newsletter (No. 40) includes; NT Election 2024, NT Government planning, DHA is failing community, quiz, plants and wildlife.
Vanderlin Shuffle on 2 July 2024. Traffic was a lot less in peak hour due to school holidays.
CDU expert Amanda Lilleyman in last ditch bid to stop controversial DHA Lee Point housing project A CDU professor is suing the Development Consent Authority, arguing it wrongly rejecting a complaint made of the Lee Point project.@jas_walls 2 min
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 40) includes; NT Election 2024, DHA is failing community, arrestees update, quiz, plants and wildlife.
This preliminary report focuses on Gamba Grass outbreaks at Lee Point peninsula on land managed by DHA in June 2024, in particular future conservation areas.
Come and join: Voices of the Top End Graeme Sawyer (ex mayor) Planning Action Network and Friends of Lee Point to discuss what matters to you in your electorate.
This monthly newsletter (No. 39) includes; community action, arrestees and fines, DHA is failing the Darwin community, where NT potential candidates stand on Lee Point, quiz, plants and wildlife.
This is a brief preliminary report of the erosion problems occuring in the Defense Housing Australia (DHA) offset area, located in the southwest corner of 2CRU at Lee Point.
Potential candidates were asked if elected, “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing project at Lee Point until the (independent) NT Planning Commission has completed a comprehensive Area Plan for the Lee Point peninsula that reflects the needs and wishes of the community.”
Approx 250 people gathered on the morning of 19 May to show their support for the Save Lee Point campaign. There was music, art and speeches to bring everyone up to date. The DHA Lee Point housing work on
The Friends of Lee Point community have alleged that Defence Housing Australia (DHA) have made clear and substantial breaches of the Lee Point Development Permit 18/0409.
Here is the QR code for the petition. Here is the petition template to print.
These queries have arisen from potential candidates running in the 2024 NT Election, from the question;
If elected: “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing project at Lee Point until the (independent) NT Planning Commission has completed a comprehensive Area Plan for the Lee Point peninsula that reflects the needs and wishes of the community.”
A Save Lee Point group rolled up near Parliament House on Tuesday 14 May to let the public know that Lee Point peninsula matters.
Approx 20 people and two dogs rolled up this morning at Joel Bowdens office to protest about Saving Lee Point. As planning minister for the Territory Joel Bowden has the power to place a moratorium on the DHA project to stop the clearing of old-growth forest at Lee Point.
Friends of Lee Point and Plan stall from 3pm Saturday and Lee Point Community Choir at 7pm.
Three items here, ECNT release, Protesters video and EJA press release. Media release: Works “paused” at Lee Point as Defence Housing Australia accused of alleged unlawful land clearing, as environment and community groups call for Senate probe Environmental groups
Come and sing with the community at 1200 near the Wave Pool.
au.news.yahoo.com/aussie-housing-developers-deeply-embarrassing-destruction-of-ancient-forest-sparks-global-condemnation-035027194.html Aussie housing developer’s ‘deeply embarrassing’ destruction of ancient forest sparks global condemnationMichael Dahlstrom7-9 minutes 07/05/2024The destruction of an ancient forest in Australia by a housing developer has drawn international condemnation with veteran conservationist Dr Jane Goodall describing it
Lee Point’s destruction for defence housing is an ecocide massacre‘The community that has formed across this country will never forget the violence of the colony, the silence of our elected members, and the devastating failures of our heritage and
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 38) includes; Is government listening?, Planning for Lee Point, NT Election 2024, art and walks, quiz, grass fire. 1.0 Is Government listening? Fig 1. People at the main 2CRU gate asking
Snap Community Choir Please see the first Voices of the Top End Community Engagement Report which followed 5 months of small-group conversations around Darwin and beyond. What we found was an impressive, coherent picture of what makes our community unique and
Palmerston Markets May 3, missing in “in-action”? Defence personnel can access non-market housing without tight means testing or stigma. Defence Housing Australia (DHA) operates as a public housing developer to ensure that defence personnel have affordable housing options near
Snap Action 3 May 12 Noon Senator Mcarthy’s Office.
Todays round up. “There has to be a duty of care when using heavy machinery in an unsecured site. What would have happened if a protester had fainted while sitting in the grass in the path of the dozers
If you have any free time now is the time to be out at Lee Point. Multiple arrests are occurring. Workers threatening Violence towards peaceful, non-violent defenders.
April 30 In a chaotic show of force police and security guards teamed up to man handle protesters at Lee Point this morning. There was no indication of who was incharge of the construction site and no notice of
17/4/2024 Northern Territory News ALEX TREACY A group of clinicians previously employed in the Top End are using the Territory’s well-documented shortage of medical staff as leverage in a bid to torpedo the proposed Lee Point precinct development, saying
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 37) includes; Senator walks, NT Election, Area Plan and National Park, Art and Artlink, Quiz, Plants and Wildlife. 1.0 Senators visit Lee Point and NT election 2024 During 9-11 April, five senators
Lee Point bird walk with @sarah_hansonyoung and @dorinda_cox on Wednesday 10th April 5:30pm. All welcome to attend. #saveleepoint https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=768838025345783&set=a.592062613023326 5:30pm,, Wednesday 10 April 2024 LeePoint
You are invited to take part in an action to Save Lee Point. Place – near MLA Joel Bowden’s office and Harris Park, Millner Time – 7.30 to 8.30am, Thursday 4 April 2024 Parking – behind MLA Joel Bowden’s
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 36) includes; Lee Point events, art project 2024, Area Plan and old growth trees, Quiz, Plants and Wildlife. 1.0 Lee Point events All these events are on the Lee Point Calendar
You are invited to take part in an action to Save Lee Point. Place – near MLA Joel Bowden’s office and Harris Park, Millner. Time – 7.30 to 8.30am, Tuesday 12 March 2024 Parking – behind MLA Joel Bowden’s
A comprehensive Area Plan for Lee Point peninsula is a much higher priority than a park for Casuarina Coastal Reserve (CCR) We welcome discussions on the small expansion of CCR and changing its status to a park. However,
There are 11 stanzas in the Thin Green Line poem by Adam Foster. For more information please contact Justine Glover – 0438 101 964 Artists have chosen or been allocated these stanzas: Stanza 1 – Carol, Doreen Stanza 2
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 35) includes; Wilderness Walks, VoTE, Poetry and Art, CCR extension, Old-growth trees, Quiz, Plants and Wildlife. 1.0 Wilderness Walks and Bird Walks at Binybara Wilderness Walks are now being run each
Come and join Friends of Lee Point around the Lee Point Dam area to look at NATURE and BIRDS. Access to most sites is suitable for wheelchair users who have someone to assist them. Bring binoculars (if
Contact email: friendsofleepoint@gmail.com Friends of Lee Point (FLP) was formed on the 25 July 2020 at a public meeting in Lyons – Darwin with the help of PLan – the Planning Action Network Inc. Its main aim was
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 34) includes; Images of 2023 and incorporation, Poetry and art, What went wrong?, Quiz, Old-growth forests. 1.0 Images of 2023 and incorporation Key events that happened last year are captured in Images
General Friends of Lee Point Inc invites eligible entrants to get creative and participate in the Lee Point Art Project 2024 (LPAP). Instructions and information on how to enter are part of these Conditions of Entry. Participation in this
Greetings Friends, A special thanks to; PLan – Planning Action Network, Environment Centre of the NT (ECNT), Larrakia, Birdlife Top End, NT Field Naturalists and the many people who worked to save Lee Point/Binybara in 2023. Images of 2023
Sign up to to get our latest newsletter – Click here. Newsletters in red are pdf files (for printing) and in blue are posts; for android phones – red links need a Bing browser or another browser – not Google.
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 34) includes; art workshop, Lee Point/Binybara update, old-growth forests, quiz, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Art workshop A workshop was held 3-5pm Saturday 2 December at Darwin Community Arts, Coconut Grove to create
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 33) includes; Calendar and Bird Walk, Lee Point/Binybara update, old-growth trees, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Calendar and Bird Walk The Friends of Lee Point 2024 calendar went on sale this month at
Meeting notes by Friends of Lee Point – DCA meeting held 17 Nov 2023 The Lee Point Development Permit DP18/0409 (includes Stage 2) was due to lapse on the 30 November 2023. Defence Housing Australia (DHA) have been successful
The largest ever Society of Ecological Restoration (SER) conference was held at the Darwin Entertainment Centre 26-30 September. It attracted people from 80 nations and was about connecting people and nature through First Nations people. Some of the SER
Extension of Lee Point Development Permit DP18/0409 Friends of Lee Point recommend that the Development Permit (DP18/0409) not be extended at Lee Point (for Stage 2 see below) because; Background The land at north of Lyons (2CRU), Lot 04873
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 32) includes; Gouldian Walks, Lee Point Golf course, Lee Point Area Plan,plants and wildlife. 1.0 Gouldian Walks and Art Gouldian Finch (moulting) seen on last Gouldian Walk – 22 Oct (photo Limin Sun)
Friends of Lee Point are a Darwin based community group that work to protect the natural beauty and biodiversity of Lee Point (Binybara). Further information is available on the Save Lee Point website. In summary, Friends of Lee Point
Submissions close 27 Oct 2023 – send to: das.ntg@nt.gov.au This submission guide is based on limited comments from people that are familiar with Lee Point and SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Links to Friends of Lee Point documents and references are
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 31) includes; Shorebird festival and Gouldian Walks, connecting people and nature, Lee Point Area Plan, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Shorebird Festival and Gouldian Walk Part of the Shorebird Festival Art Exhibition – painting
Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 30) includes; celebrations, Darwin’s last wildlife corridor, Lee Point fire, plants and wildlife. Celebrations were in order after the announcement by DHA that bulldozing work had been paused at Lee Point (Binybara)
This post is a collection of items of note, articles and other Save Lee Point material. 12 October 2022 – Monday – NT Governments record 12 October 2022 – Monday – NT Governments record of how the Lee Point
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes Larrakia and consultation, support for Save Lee Point, call from scientists, Binybara Camp, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Larrakia and consultation It’s been a busy month with bad and good things happening. Starting with arrests,
Dear Mr R, Thank you for your correspondence concerning Defence Housing Australia’s (DHA) development at Lee Point, NT. I appreciate the time you have taken to raise this matter. DHA entered into an agreement with the Northern Territory (NT)
Dear Matt Thistlethwaite MP I write to you to request that you abandon Defence Housing Australia’s (‘DHA’) planned development at Lee Point (Binybara) in Darwin. Larrakia traditional owners and the broader Darwin community have spoken, we do not want
We suggest you copy the letter below into an email, change as you see fit and send to the following people: Matt Thistlethwaite MP (Assistant Minister for Defence and shareholder minister for DHA) – Matt.Thistlethwaite.MP@aph.gov.au C/C: Shareholder minister of
Come and hear the latest about the controversial Lee Point project. Venue: Bilingga Park, LyonsTime: 4.00 pm, Saturday 29 July Clearing work (bulldozing) has been paused to Friday 11 August, after which it can begin again. How this could
Come and join us at the Vanderlin Drive and Lee Point Road intersection from 7.20am to 8.00am on Tuesday 25 July to inform the travelling public of the impending disaster at Lee Point. All welcome. Suggested parking: Hibiscus Shopping
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Our community will be forever indebted to the Dangalaba Kulumbirigin leadership. Their encouragingly successful legal action has secured no clearing for 30 days! So Monday’s event has been cancelled, apologies for late notice. Tonight, Sunday 16/07/2023 from 4pm join
On this post we list the links to media articles about Lee Point. 20 June 2023 ABC – Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek approves Defence Housing Australia project at Lee Point https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-20/tanya-plibersek-lee-point-defence-housing-project-gouldian-finch/102493770
Greetings, The most critical meeting to date is this Monday 17th July from 7am onwards. So, chuck a sickie and meet at Binybara (Lee Point Camp). This is a real chance to show your concerns! The flyer is here Solidarity Action.
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes; Bulldozers at Lee Point, experts call for a halt to Lee Point development, Gouldian Finches, Darwin’s disappearing woodland and turkey bush. Please send a letter to the people that can stop DHA bulldozing Lee
3pm Sunday 2 July at the Osprey Tower (mobile tower). Representatives from Larrakia, Friends of Lee Point, Planning Action Network (PLAN), Environment Centre NT, Birdlife, and others will be presenting. There will be a series of announcements about the development
By 2040,
– the Darwin-Palmerston area (212 sq km) is expected to lose majority of its old-growth trees (baseline is 2020) with less than 30% remaining in connected habitat – Darwin Wildlife Corridor.
– Darwin Wildlife Corridor is expected to lose 1/3 of its old-growth trees if the planned DHA housing project at Lee Point continues. Already ~10% has been lost due to DHA clearing works.
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes; Colour My World and Gouldian Walks, Disappearing woodland, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Colour My World FLP, Planning Action Network, ECNT and BirdLife Top End held a Colour My World event at the Nightcliff
Introduction Map of Corridor (yellow line) with (7) habitat areas and DHA project area (red line) The Lee Point Biodiversity Corridor (Corridor) has significant areas of old-growth forest and is one of the richest biodiversity areas in the Territory
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes; Gouldian Walks, Nature Positive, Lee Point development update, Darwin woodland, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Gouldian Walks at Lee Point Lots of birds seen (no gouldians yet) on the Gouldian Walks, 22-23 April. Everyone enjoyed
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes; Farewell to Shorebirds, Lee Point development update, Darwin woodland, plants and wildlife. 1.0 Farewell to Shorebirds – Saturday 11 March Lots of people joined the Farewell to Shorebirds event organised by Birdlife TopEnd,
Greetings Friends, Here are some images of places visited and what happened in 2022. They are presented in five parts:
The migratory shorebirds (left) are under threat, ABC footage from Lee Point explains why and Living with Shorebirds at Lee Point has additional information. 2. Update on DHA Lee Point development The Australian Government is still assessing the
Greetings Friends, This newsletter includes seasonal wetland, Lee Point development, Darwin woodland, plants and wildlife. 1.0 The wet season is here Fig 1. Seasonal Wetland The low areas and runoff channel in the Corridor (see Fig 2) become a
This preliminary study highlights that Darwin’s woodland habitat will be severely reduced to small isolated patches by 2030-40, resulting in further declines to the city’s biodiversity value. The study is set out in five sections and based on May
Aleesah Darlinson in Darwin promoting her new picture book, RUSTY, the RAINBOW Bird. We joined Aleesah at Lee Point Dam and saw lots of birds. Her book is pretty good too…. read more Gouldian Finches have been moving around
http://saveleepoint.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/2022-12-21-Tree-Hollows-update.kmz The destruction of Lee Point Corridor by government is not OK. Darwin needs sustainable development not an urban sprawl. One stage (out of 8) has already been destroyed. Please write a letter to your Elected Representatives and media.
The following sections explain why Lee Point (Binybara) is a special part of Darwin. 1.0 Introduction Darwin’s environment and an indigenous culture creates a capital city like nowhere else and a place where people can connect with nature. Darwin
Greetings Friends, This month includes; Welcome Back Shorebird event, DHA erecting fences and no trespassing signs, rally at Parliament House, Darwin tree hollows and Lee Point Corridor. 1. Migratory shorebirds and Gouldian Finches Welcome Back Shorebirds event –
2. Save Lee Point campaign – stubbie holders Looking for an early Xmas present? FLP are now selling Stubbie Holders – images from paintings by local artist David Percival. They are available ($10 each) from Nightcliff Markets most Sunday
ALL WELCOME 1200-1300 Thursday 13 October Steps of Parliament House Bring a placard if you can Organised by Friends of Lee Point, PLan & ECNT Email: friendsofleepoint@gmail.com Updates on: Friends of Lee Point Facebook
Saturday 1st Oct from 7am Greetings Friends, Come and join us at the meeting place (see below) to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch, Black-breasted Buzzard (and many other birds) plus create some activist art for Lee Point. Gouldian
Think globally act locally at Raintree Park – Smith St Mall 1200-1300 Thursday 15 September 2022 All Welcome Bring a sign if you can Supported by Planning Action Network, Environment Centre NT and Friends of Lee Point
Greetings Friends, This month: a Bulldozer arrived, Gouldian Finches kept visitors entertained and migratory shorebirds returned to Lee Point. Save Lee Point Rally is at 1200 Thurs, 15 Sept Raintree Park – updates on FLP Facebook. 1. Bulldozers
Sign the petition calling on the (two) shareholder ministers of DHA intervene and stop the defence housing project at Lee Point and relocate it to a more suitable area. and Request Hon Tanya Plibersek MP (federal minister for environment and
Saturday 3 Sept from 7am Greetings Friends, Come and join us at the meeting place (see below) to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch (and many other birds) plus create some activist art for Lee Point. Gouldian Walk 6
Rally 9.15am Saturday, 3rd Sept at Lee Point – Osprey Tower Lee Point is about to be bulldozed again. It will never be the same. Hear what Graeme Sawyer, PLan (Nick Kirlew), ECNT, Friends of Lee Point and others
Saturday 27 August (from 4.45pm) Greetings Friends, Come and join us at the meeting place (see below) for some activist art and to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch at Lee Point. Art for your fence – 4.45pm
Where Waters Ward candidates stand on Lee Point If elected: “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing development at Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has completed a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of
Lee Point Corridor (called Biodiversity Corridor by the City of Darwin) runs from Buffalo Ck to Sandy Creek area, a distance of approx. 3kms. Most of the habitats in the Top End are connected here providing an area with
Friends of Lee Point (FLP) are a community-based group of Darwin residents campaigning to conserve Lee Point while encouraging the efficient use of land, infrastructure and services in Darwin. We acknowledge that the Larrakia are the traditional owners of
Lee Point art has gone underground in the WW11 Tunnels at the Waterfront. Special thanks to Robert Marchant for making this historic site available. The exhibition contains (40) selected artworks from the Lee Point Art Competition and is open
Saturday 30 July (arrive between 7.00 to 7.30am) Greetings Friends, Come and join us at Lee Point to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch. Viewing sites to be advised at the meeting place. There will be experienced birdwatchers at
Monday 18 July (arrive between 7.00 to 7.30am) Greetings Friends, Come and join us at Lee Point to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch; at present there are at least 50 in this area. Viewing sites to be advised
Greetings Friends, This month; People’s Choice Award prize winners were announced, many people saw Gouldian Finches at Lee Point that prompted ECNT to commence a petition to the Australian Government on protecting Gouldian Finch habitat and Lee Point.
“What you like about Lee Point” About the Competition Around 170 artists from the Territory created artworks for the Lee Point Art Competition and People’s Choice Award during Feb – May 2022. The public rated
Wednesday 22 June (arrive between 7.00 to 7.30am) Greetings Friends, Come and join us at Lee Point to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch; at present there are at least 50 in this area. Viewing sites to be advised
Saturday 11 June 2022, arrive between 7.00 to 7.30am Greetings Friends, Come and join us at Lee Point to look for the iconic Gouldian Finch; at present there are at least 50 in this area. Viewing sites to be
Gouldian Finches are arguably one of the most beautiful finches in the world. They are native to northern Australia but were seldom seen in the Darwin area. That is until 2022. Thousands of people (about half are interstate visitors)
Greetings Friends, This month; the Lee Point Art Exhibition opened, Federal candidates were asked where they stood on Lee Point, and Gouldian Finches moved into Lee Point. Lee Point Art Exhibition – “What you like about Lee Point”
As part of comments, Tina provided this link to a podcast on Territory Story by Leon Loganathan & Peter Gowers – 12 May 2022. The Lee Point development discussion starts at the 50.30 minute mark and go for 3
RE: DHA LEE POINT URBAN DEVELOPMENT Good morning,Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me with your concerns. Firstly, let me say that in a developing city such as Darwin with a growing population, I support
Where the NT Senate candidates stand: If elected: “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing development at Lee Point until the Public Works Committee has completed a comprehensive report on its public benefit.” Candidates Party Yes
Where the Solomon candidates stand: If elected: “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing development at Lee Point until the Public Works Committee has completed a comprehensive report on its public benefit.” Candidates Yes / No
“What you like about Lee Point” There were 172 entries over three age categories; Under 8 years, 8 to under 14 years, 14 to under 19 years. Number of prizes in each category was based on number of entries
Greetings Friends, Lee Point Art Competition “What you like about Lee Point” FLP had a wonderful response from primary and middle school students with 172 artworks submitted, details at: https://saveleepoint.org.au/lee-point-art-competition/ Winners to be announced at the exhibition opening: 11am
The community is losing Lee Point (a treasured Darwin asset) due to a lack of democratic process and transparency. The public benefit of housing thousands of people at Lee Point needs to be investigated by the (independent) Public Works
How to vote – The star rating program allows you to vote only once for each entry and you cannot change your rating once voted. 1. SELECT ARTWORKS a) View all the artworks entries noting the artworks (numbers)
All prizes are vouchers to Officeworks Darwin: PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD (All ages, including over 18 years) Total prize value – approx $600 1st Prize $250 2nd prize $150 3rd prize $100 Other prizes to be announced SCHOOL
Greetings Friends, Lee Point Art Competition – closes 8 April 2022 The Lee Point Art Competition is open to all Territorians aged 18 years and under. There is approx $3000 worth of prizes. Lee Point Art Launch and Nature
Greetings Friends Lee Point Art Competition This sunday morning we are celebrating the Lee Point Art Competition with a walk to look at migratory shorebirds, nature and a morning tea. The migratory shorebirds will leave around mid April for
Date: Sunday 6 March – Please be at the meeting place 7.55am for an 8.00am start. The guided walks feature viewing migratory shorebirds through scopes plus exploring monsoon forest and mangrove habitats. Bring hat/sunscreen, drinking water, binoculars, and camera.
The lack of democratic process and transparency used to produce the Lee Point Area Plan could be duplicated in other future Area Plans by government. Having the Lee Point Area Plan in the NT Planning Scheme means it’s OK
Greetings, We hope 2022 has started well for you. Our big news this month is that FLP and PLan: the Planning Action Network have just launched this art competition. Lee Point Art Competition – What you like about Lee
Margaret Preston is a well known Australian artist who loved the Australian bush. Other artists are included here for their ideas.
The following examples are from students from Middle School and Senior School.
The following artwork has been created by children under 8 years old (who are not in the competition).
Lee Point peninsular is approx 5 square kilometres in area and located 17 kilometres from Darwin’s CBD. Over half of Casuarina Coastal Reserve (CCR) is in Lee Point. CCR attracts over one million visits each year and is the
General Friends of Lee Point and PLan: the Planning Action Network Inc. (Promoter) invites eligible entrants to get creative and participate in the Lee Point Art Competition (LPAC). Instructions and information on how to enter are part of these
There are six habitats described here at Lee Point: 1. Coastal and marine
The competition: supports the school curriculum; provides opportunities to learn about the Top End habitats and its biodiversity*; provides an appreciation of the amazing migrations shorebirds make each year (they are at Lee Point August – May) and challenges
by Friends of Lee Point – January 2022 Here are some images of places visited and what happened in 2021. Images are based on our Newsletters and Facebook Page. The Images of 2021 are in five parts: Habitats Visited
Tourism Tourism is an important part of the Darwin economy and Lee Point should remain part of this. Read FLP Opinion piece Tourism Top End was contacted about the Lee Point development and advised us they had not been
Re: Support for the Save Lee Point campaign BirdLife Top End shares some concerns about the development of Lee Point with the Save Lee Point campaign, and supports calls for a comprehensive management plan for the area. As advocates
Charles Darwin UniversityEllengowan Drive, Darwin, Northern Territory, 0909 To Whom it may concern, Value of Casuarina Coastal Reserve for Migratory Shorebirds in Darwin Harbour, Northern Territory The coastline of the Casuarina Coastal Reserve in Darwin’s northern suburbs is one
Draft email (for you to amend) to your MLA with (4) copies to the Ministers for Planning, Environment and Tourism plus Opposition leader. Your MLA email address can be found here. EMAIL To: Your MLA c/c: minister.lawler@nt.gov.au minister.moss@nt.gov.au minister.manison@nt.gov.au Opposition.Leader@nt.gov.au
UN Declaration on Forests and Land Use – November 2021 This month at the Glasgow UN conference (COP26), Australia and the majority of UN countries declared, “…We therefore commit to working collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land
Opinion piece by Friends of Lee Point – Nov 2021 There are very few cities in the world that have a reserve like Lee Point on their doorstep. It makes Darwin a special place. Many of the Darwin community
PREAMBLE The charter is intended for all people/groups that use/benefit from Lee Point. Beneficiaries of Lee Point include; City of Darwin (COD), Friends of Lee Point (FLP), sporting groups, nature groups etc. The charter would align with recent resolutions made
City of Darwin Council tries to cool Darwin as global temperatures rise Global warming is a major problem and Darwin’s temperature is rising. Council’s response to cool Darwin has been to be plant more trees (increase canopy cover) and
Date: Sunday 7 November – Please be at the meeting place 4.30pm, first walk leaves 4.40pm. Other walks (depending on numbers) will leave later. The guided walk starts at Lee Point (see below). Bring hat/sunscreen, drinking water, binoculars and
By Friends of Lee Point The City of Darwin Council is calling for a moratorium on current development of Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has completed a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point. Clearly
TALK 3 – Times Have Changed TALK 1 – Ian Morris (ecologist and tour guide), TALK 2 – Tiara (Larrakia woman) There are very few cities in the world that have a reserve like Lee Point on their doorstep.
The NT Government is developing a 30-year plan for its parks and has invited submissions:NT Parks Masterplan 2022 – 2052 | Have Your Say Northern Territory This a draft response, please feel free to use and amend the information
Raintree Park Rally 10am Saturday 23 October People need to act before it’s too late. The natural beauty and biodiversity at Lee Point is being bulldozed. We are losing some of the last intact tropical habitat that remains in
Comments made by City of Darwin candidates are below: Darwin Lord Mayor Chan Ward Lyons Ward Richardson Ward Waters Ward
Friends of Lee Point are proposing that all land at Lee Point be included in a Reserve except for the Resort/Caravan Park. The proposed areas to be added to a Reserve are inside the dashed lines. Subject to a
URGENT – STOP the Defence Housing Australia development at Lee Point Dear Minister Eva Lawler, My name is Nadine Biriimilunngga Lee. I am a sovereign tribal member of the Gulumerrijin (Larrakia), Wardaman, Karajarri and am writing to you to
ADDRESS Date Senator, the Hon. Simon Birmingham Minister for FinanceParliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 Dear Senator Urgent request to halt clearing works at Lee Point – Darwin, NT We write to you as long-term residents of Darwin who have continuing
Dear Minister Gee and Minister Birmingham, You are the two ministers responsible for Defence Housing Australia. Who is responsible for looking after the Australian taxpayer’s best interests when it comes to DHA activities? For that matter, shouldn’t DHA be considering
One question we suggest you ask your elected members is; “why will housing thousands of people at Lee Point be good for Darwin in the long term“. Elected members are: your Local Member (MLA), Member for Solomon, and NT
This is a summary of the community consultations that allowed the disused defence land at Lee Point to be zoned for housing development plus comments. An extensive (collaborative) consultation was never carried out to zone the land for housing.
People have asked Friends of Lee Point if it is possible to stop the Lee Point development and amend the Lee Point Area Plan (which means amending the NT Planning Scheme). The short answer is YES. Here is a
City of Darwin – August 2021 elections The petition by Friends of Lee Point calls on the NT Parliament to:“place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive
City of Darwin – August 2021 elections The petition by Friends of Lee Point calls on the NT Parliament to:“place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive
City of Darwin – August 2021 elections The petition by Friends of Lee Point calls on the NT Parliament to:“place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive
City of Darwin – August 2021 elections The petition by Friends of Lee Point calls on the NT Parliament to:“place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive
City of Darwin – August 2021 elections The petition by Friends of Lee Point calls on the NT Parliament to:“place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive
Public Rally Friday 13 Aug, 10am at Parap Village Centre Defence Housing Australia (DHA) started clearing works at Lee Point on the 5 August to house thousands of people at Lee Point. Approximately 60 people attended a rally near
1. What’s happening at Lee Point? A significant portion of Lee Point is being lost to an urban sprawl with thousands of people to be housed on the disused defence land. It will severely impact on people’s enjoyment of
Public meeting Thursday 27 May, 5.15pm at Lee Point Darwin residents left the public meeting at Lee Point on Thursday outraged that the proposed housing development would harm nature and they were going to lose their enjoyment of Lee
Planning for Lee Point peninsula, Darwin NT A comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point peninsula needs to be completed before any significant development should be allowed. Last updated Nov 2024 1.0 Background There are very
Lee Point needs a proper Area Plan Please note this paper has been included here to help with internet search rankings, it is not recommended for printing. Please click here for a pdf print copy (16 pages) : Lee