The Campaign
The Save Lee Point campaign was started by a concerned group of Darwin/Palmerston residents called Friends of Lee Point (FLP).
FLP seek to conserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of Lee Point/Binybara while encouraging the efficient use of land, infrastructure and services. We acknowledge that Larrakia are the traditional owners of Binybara and the land and surrounding sea require protection, management and respect from all. FLP are after a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point that will reflect the long term wishes and needs of the community.
We need your support to raise awareness. Please subscribe (and get other people) to subscribe to our newsletter, see bottom of this page.

Prior to 2020, less than 15% of people in Darwin’s northern suburbs were aware of the 2015 Lee Point Area Plan or the proposed DHA development. To help raise people’s awareness a Facebook page “friends of lee point” was started in Sept 2020.
Supporters of FLP believe that the NT Planning Commission should develop a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point before any major development happens at Lee Point. The vision of FLP Members is that all land at Lee Point be included in a NT Parks and Wildlife Reserve except for the Lee Point Resort/Caravan Park, refer to FLP Lee Point Area Map (2021). Other people may have a different vision for Lee Point and that’s OK.
Much has changed since 2015. What is important now is that major development (and clearing work) does not happen at Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has had time to develop a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point.
Planning Action Network (PLan) have been assisting FLP with the Save Lee Point campaign and many other groups are now actively involved in saving Lee Point.
FLP became an incorporated association in Jan 2024, refer FLP Inc..
Friends of Lee Point meeting people and enjoying Lee Point in 2021.

Fill out the Petition – Click here
Sign up for our Newsletter – Click here
Donate to the fighting fund below.
Community Support is vital in this type of campaign. We need you to stand up and be counted!