Archive 2022-12

The destruction of Lee Point Corridor by government is not OK. Darwin needs sustainable development not an urban sprawl.

One stage (out of 8) has already been destroyed. Please write a letter to your Elected Representatives and media 


Why the Lee Point housing development is controversial… Read more

Government is subsidising an urban sprawl at Lee Point that destroys some of the last intact tropical habitat in Darwin and compromises the tourism industry. Who is benefiting from this?

Planning for Lee Point explains why we need a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point by the NT Planning Commission before any significant development should be allowed.

See Lee Point underground art in WW11 Tunnels – Open daily 9-4pm

Current Lee Point Area Plan is harming Darwin’s future

The petition calls on the NT Parliament to: “place a moratorium on the current development proposal for Lee Point until the NT Planning Commission has developed a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point.”

The NT Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment can stop the current Lee Point development, and has the powers to revoke or modify development permits and amend the NT Planning Scheme, read Save Lee Point – FAQ or print FAQ pdf copy. The Minister is allowing this development to proceed and ignoring the significant issues outlined below.

Planning for Lee Point explains why we need a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point. Prior to 2020, most people were not aware of the NT Government’s 2015 Lee Point Area Plan and that this plan would lead to a significant portion of Lee Point being bulldozed for housing. Nearly everyone (who knows about it) is opposed to this plan, read Letters to the Editor – NT News Friends of Lee Point (refer Campaign Page) believe this is a much better option – Lee Point Area Map 

City of Darwin voted overwhelmingly  (11 for and 1 against) in favour of saving Lee Point on the 12 Oct 2021 and have made a similar request to the petition (see above) to the NT Government – Times Have Changed talk

Gouldian Finches are endangered and breeding in the immediate vicinity of the development area. Developments should not take place in areas where endangered species are breeding without a comprehensive assessment. The last environmental assessment in 2018 had occurrence of the Gouldian Finch as “Unlikely” – clearly this is not the case now, read Gouldian Finch Irruption at Lee Point