Public Meeting on Lee Point – 4pm Sat 29 July

Come and hear the latest about the controversial Lee Point project.

Venue: Bilingga Park, Lyons
Time: 4.00 pm, Saturday 29 July

Clearing work (bulldozing) has been paused to Friday 11 August, after which it can begin again. How this could affect you and what action you can take.

Speakers include: Andrew Bell (NT Field Naturalists), Jess Black (ECNT), Phil Bolm (Darwin Off-Road Cyclists), Amanda Lilleyman (Birdlife), Suki (Binybara Camp), Nick (Planning Action Network). 

There will be a short walk around the park after the meeting looking at native plants/trees.

Stage 2 is currently paused, the red line is the total housing project, the yellow line is the government’s offset for the Gouldian Finch.

Bilingga Park

Organised by: Planning Action Network (PLAN) and Friends of Lee Point.