Charter Discussion


The charter is intended for all people/groups that use/benefit from Lee Point. Beneficiaries of Lee Point include; City of Darwin (COD), Friends of Lee Point (FLP), sporting groups, nature groups etc.

The charter would align with recent resolutions made by the COD on Lee Point and be part of the Save Lee Point campaign.

The Lee Point Petition aligns with COD as does Planning for Lee Point  and are part of the campaign. The Lee Point Area Map is only FLP’s vision for Lee Point and hence not part of the campaign, other people/groups may have a different vision for Lee Point and that’s OK.


G: 2021-11-19

A charter is a document that describes a project, its rational, its goal and its stakeholders.  

Aim. To recruit participants, align their expectations and contributions so that their energy focuses on the project’s priorities. 

The ‘Projects priorities. To rationalise the zoning of the remaining public land at Lee Point, protect it from inappropriate development, incorporate it into the Casuarina Coastal Reserve and declare CCR a Park under Section 12 of the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act.  

This identifies a goal. Further paragraphs would need to explain the rational, the need for protection to the stakeholders who may become participants. Probably a single page document. 

As a post Pandemic exercise I reckon this is a good idea. An opportunity to get the voices of Ratepayers and Tax payers to the table.  

The current political and bureaucratic systems are failing us badly. 

P: 2021-11-20

Regarding the charter, perhaps some ideas like below?
Preserving and protecting the ancient area for you, for the children and for the world from today, tomorrow and forever.

I: 2021-11-21

Whats in a charter? It could be a short sentence on its purpose plus some objectives.

Charter purpose: To encourage all people/groups concerned about zoning of public land on the Lee Point peninsular without adequate community consultation to join forces to achieve the following objectives:

Objective 1. Have the NT Planning Commission complete a comprehensive Area Plan for the whole of Lee Point.

Objective 2. Place a moratorium on all major works at Lee Point until objective 1 has been achieved.