Map showing DHA housing project area, land inside orange line to be cleared, Stage 1, 2 and 3 already cleared.
Petition to:
Hon Tanya Plibersek – Minister for the Environment and Water of Australia, Hon Richard Marles – Minister for Defence, Hon Matt Keogh – Minister for Defence Personnel, Hon Luke Gosling – Special Envoy for Defence, Veterans Affairs and Northern Australia, Hon Lia Finocchiaro – Chief Minister NT, Hon Josh Burgoyne – Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment NT
Defence Housing Australia (DHA) intends to house thousands of people at Lee Point, Darwin. This is unnecessary and will harm Darwin because it leads to:
- the majority of old-growth trees being lost at Lee Point;
- traffic congestion, car dependency, emissions; and
- significant costs for the taxpayer.
Under Territory and Federal government policy, environmental offsets are only to be used as a last resort. This means other sites and options must be properly investigated.
Berrimah and Holtze are far better housing locations as they are much closer to defence bases and frequent public transport, which in turn will reduce cost of living pressures.
The Lee Point DHA housing project does not address Darwin’s housing affordability crisis and no affordable housing is being delivered at Lee Point.
It is time for both the NT and Federal Governments to listen to the community and save Lee Point!
Download the flyer here:
For more information – Planning for Lee Point