Newsletter – mid July 2024


Greetings Friends, This monthly newsletter (No. 40) includes; NT Election 2024, NT Government planning, DHA is failing community, quiz, plants and wildlife.


1.0 NT Election 2024

Find a candidate in your electorate that supports Save Lee Point. 

Fig 1. Voting starts in under 4 weeks (12 August), election day is 24 August.

Darwin’s northern suburbs have five independent candidates that support Save Lee Point:

*Represent NT – community campaigns 2024 has further information on these candidates. Katie Woolf 104.9 FM interviewed WANGURI candidates on 2 July 2024.

If you’d like to help with their campaigns, please contact candidates directly or let us know:

Unsure of your NT electorate (boundaries keep changing) – find your electorate

A question to ask election candidates

The Lee Point Area Plan that allowed the DHA Lee Point housing project to proceed was created by the developer (DHA).

Should an independent body be used to create Area Plans (zoning maps)? If YES, what are you going to do about the Lee Point Area Plan?

Meeting the independents

Fig 2. Independents – Justine Glover for Karama and Graeme Sawyer for Wanguri at Malak Markets 6 July 2024.

Fig 3. Independent Martin Jackson for Casuarina at election campaign launch, Tracy Village 11 July.

For latest information on the election check Friends of Lee Point Facebook.


2.0 Government planning

Strategic Directions Planning Policy – the NT Planning Commission has identified a need for an overarching policy to guide future strategic land use planning in the Territory. It is in response to issues such as climate change and scarcity of resources. Have your say closes 31 July 2024.

Friends of Lee Point believe that the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) should play a greater role in strategic land use planning and intend to provide a submission.

Lee Point Golf Course decision by DCA – the Development Consent Authority (DCA) has granted a Development Permit to Morandini Investments Pty Ltd to develop a golf course with 12 holes (plus space for 6 more holes) and other features. The first stage (4 stages in total) is a driving range, practice putting green, mini golf area (18 holes) and support facilities.

Sandy Creek catchment – The $200M Urban Rivers and Catchment program aims to leave our environment in a better state and build resilience in a warming climate. Landcare NT has been allocated $3.8M part of which is to be invested in Lee Point – Sandy Creek.

Fire danger period declared from 2 July to 30 September  – If you see a fire on the Lee Point peninsula it is probably arson, call 000, response time is critical.

Fig 4. Northern Brown Bandicoot after the Lee Point fire  – photo Graeme Sawyer, August 2023

Concerned community members (including Graeme Sawyer) spent a night rescuing injured animals after the August fire in the Lee Point corridor. This bandicoot escaped harm.


3.0 Defence Housing Australia (DHA) is failing community

Works have been halted on Stage 2 and 3 following allegations of illegal clearing by DHA.

Fig 5. Lee Point peninsula, red outline shows extent of DHA housing with Stage 1, 2 and 3 cleared.

Formal complaints on the clearing have been lodged to:

    • Australian Government – Minister for Environment and Water 26 June by Environmental Justice Australia acting on behalf of ECNT and Tibby Quall (traditional owner). It involves the potential breach of conditions of EPBC Approval.

    • NT Government – Development Assessment Services (DAS) 16 May by Friends of Lee Point Inc on behalf of the Lee Point community – read allegations

As of mid-July, no decisions had been taken regarding the complaints.

Whats not right:

    • Housing the taxpayer is underwriting a $400M “luxury style” housing development by DHA at a time when Darwin has a housing affordability crisis  – read housing report

    • Lee Point Area Plan – the developer (DHA) created this Area Plan for its project, a clear conflict of interest – read Planning for Lee Point.

    • Loss of critical habitat – DHA wants to clear the majority of old-growth trees from the Lee Point peninsula, representing a significant loss from Darwin Wildlife Corridor – read corridor report

    • Fire/Gamba Grass – Gamba Grass outbreaks on DHA land pose a fire threat to a significant number of old-growth trees on the Lee Point peninsula – read Gamba Grass report

    • Erosion– significant erosion is happening on DHA land (west of Stage 3) and the sediment is impacting CCR – read erosion report

Planning for Lee Point has further information on this ill-conceived project that is harming Darwin.

Take Action

The Lee Point housing project has been plagued by appalling planning from the start, and never should have been allowed to get this far. It is well past time for an investigation into DHA.  Take Action:

Please sign this PETITION that calls for an inquiry into DHA.


Get fit and go letterboxing for a candidate that supports Lee Point, see Section 1.0


4.0  Quiz

This tree is seen in Darwin streets and occurs naturally in NT coastal areas. Do you know its name?

Fig 6. Tree in monsoon forest at Lee Point peninsula


5.0 Plants and Wildlife

Wilderness Walks have been running each week 5pm Sunday and sometimes on Saturday morning 7am – see FLP Facebook for latest info. They have been identifying 30-45 bird species, see ebird for latest sightings.

Some photos from a Lee Point monsoon forest habitat (not from walk).

Fig 7. Rainbow Pitta – photo by Gavan Keane

Fig 8. Swamp Tiger Butterfly


Enjoy the Dry Season


Answers to Quiz

Answer Q1 – White Cloud Tree (Maranthes corymbosa)
It grows naturally in Top end coastal monsoon forest habitats and SE Asia. Further images are at:     aranthes-corymbosa-white-cloud-tree