Newsletter – mid August 2024


Greetings Friends,

This monthly newsletter (No. 42) includes; NT Election 2024, Government, DHA under investigation, quiz, plants and wildlife.


1.0  NT Election 2024 – voting has started

One of the first actions of a newly elected government should be to revoke the Lee Point Development Permit!

Labor and CLP are contesting every seat and one of these major parties is expected to form government. Both are currently not supporting Save Lee Point.

Independents and Greens in government could result in a balance of power with favourable outcomes for Save Lee Point because they support Save Lee Point.

Find out where candidates stand on Save Lee Point in the Greater Darwin Area. Unsure of your NT electorate – find your electorate.


Fig 1. Darwin election candidates (from left): Mililma May (Ind) for Nightcliff, Suki Dorras-Walker (Greens) for Fannie Bay and Justine Glover (Ind) for Karama supporting Save Lee Point.

Represent NT has been promoting Independents and believe:

“With your help, enough community independents may get elected so that they hold the balance of power in the next parliament. When small parties or independents hold the balance of power, the government of the day must consult with them to pass legislation. Community independents can hold the government to account, bringing integrity back to our political system, and helping create a thriving and sustainable community.”

Fig 2. Darwin northern suburbs election candidates; Graeme Sawyer (Ind) for Wanguri, Martin Jackson (Ind) for Casuarina and Kat McNamara (Greens) for Nightcliff.


Fig 3. Campaign supporters for Justine Davis (Ind) for Johnston at Jingili Gardens, August 2024


2.0  Government

Australian Government – Despite many requests to the minister responsible for Defence Housing Australia (DHA), FLP have not received any responses that confirm other sites were considered to:

· avoid an environmental offset, or

· optimise long term public benefit.

DHA has had three ministers since 2021, the latest one is still to be announced. Third time lucky?


3.0  Defence Housing Australia (DHA) under investigation

The ABC 7.30 Report revealed that DHA was under investigation at a Territory and Federal level for alleged illegal clearing at Lee Point in early May 2024. It prompted a press conference and media coverage.


Fig 4. Press conference at Parliament House midday Wednesday 31 July 2024


Fig 5. Lee Point peninsula, red outline shows extent of DHA housing with Stage 1, 2 and 3 cleared. Stage 2 and 3 were cleared early May 2024.

A summary of allegations is posted here. As of mid-August, no decisions had been taken regarding the allegations.

Whats not right:

Some of the problems associated with the DHA Lee Point housing project include:

  • the developer (DHA) having a clear conflict of interest by creating the Lee Point Area Plan for its housing project,
  • bulldozing critical habitat for threatened wildlife,
  • no affordable housing, and
  • creating an urban sprawl for the taxpayer to sort out.

An urban sprawl costs everyone and affects Darwin’s future.


Fig 6. Vanderlin Drive traffic congestion early morning.

Traffic congestion will worsen as more houses are built at Lee Point. The most cost-effective solution in the long term is to build housing closer to the defence bases.

For more detail see July’s newsletter and Planning for Lee Point.


The Lee Point housing project has been plagued by appalling planning from the start, and never should have been allowed to get this far. It is well past time for an investigation into DHA. Take Action:

Please sign this PETITION that calls for an inquiry into DHA.


Write a song. What better way to tell government you love Lee Point than in a song. The NT Government are running a music competition called Caring for Country Music Competition.


4.0  Quiz

Cycads are ancient plants that grow as male or female plants. Which one below is the male plant and when did they first appear in millions of years ago (mya)? Answers at the end.


Fig 7. Cycads at Lee Point August 2024

A. 120 mya         B. 180 mya        C. 220 mya          D 280 mya


5.0  Plants and Wildlife

Wilderness Walks have been held every week at 5pm Sunday and sometimes on Saturday morning at 7am – 30-45 bird species, see ebird for latest sightings. Refer FLP Facebook for latest info on future walks.


Fig 8. Flowering Stringbark (Eucalyptus tetradonta)

The Stringybarks have been in flower attracting insects and birds.


Fig 9. Native bees have been busy collecting nectar and pollinating plants



Fig 10. White-breasted Woodswallows have been chasing insects


Fig 11. Australian Hobby on the Lee Point Telecom Tower – photo Gavan Keane

Australian Hobbies chase small birds and insects. Also known as a Little Falcon they are very fast and can catch prey in the air.

The Australian Hobby looks similar to a Peregrine Falcon (which have been seen at Lee Point) but is close to half its size. A Peregrine Falcon has a maximum dive speed of 389 km/hr making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.

Migratory Shorebirds


Fig 12. Eastern Curlews at Sandy Creek – Lee Point, 15 Aug 2024

These (10) endangered Eastern Curlews have just returned from the Arctic Circle ie. Siberia (approx 10,000km away). They were disturbed by a dog.

Dogs remain a constant problem for shorebirds on Lee Point beach and at Sandy Creek. About one third of the (20) migratory shorebird species on the Lee Point peninsula are listed as threatened.

Fire danger period declared to 30 September – If you see a fire on the Lee Point peninsula it is probably arson, call 000, response time is critical for controlling fires.


Enjoy the last of the Dry Season


Answers to Quiz

Answer Q1 – The cycad on the right with the cone is the male.
Locally cycads are under threat from habitat clearing and the intense heat that comes from Gamba Grass fires. It is not known how many Darwin Cycads (Cycas armstrongii) are left in the Darwin area. They are classed as vulnerable.
Q2. D. 280 mya. Cycads first appeared before the dinosaurs.