Lee Point queries from potential candidate survey

These queries have arisen from potential candidates running in the 2024 NT Election, from the question;

If elected: “will you support a moratorium on the current DHA housing project at Lee Point until the (independent) NT Planning Commission has completed a comprehensive Area Plan for the Lee Point peninsula that reflects the needs and wishes of the community.”


Q1. LEGAL – Can the NT Planning Minister legally revoke the Lee Point development permit to place a moratorium on the DHA Lee Point housing project?


Under Section 66 of the NT Planning Act 1999 the NT Planning Minister can follow the prescribed process to revoke the development permit.


Q2. PLANNING – Was an independent body involved in the creation of the Lee Point Area Plan?


Excerpt from Hansard: “….The Lee Point Area Plan was developed by professional planning consultants on behalf of DHA, in consultation with the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics..” 


Q3. ECONOMIC – In the long term, is the project better for the taxpayer if it was relocated to Berrimah or Holtz?


The DHA housing project at Lee Point can be described as an urban sprawl because of the hidden costs and associated problems it will have for the taxpayer.

The project is located at the end of the water and electricity grid, away from the public transport service. This comes with an added cost for the taxpayer due to; increased size of the essential service grid, expanded public transport (bus) services, maintenance of those assets and services, and dealing with ensuing traffic congestion (one road in and out).

Having the project at Lee Point compromises the eco-tourism industry at Lee Point, resulting in a loss of revenue for small tourism operators and accommodation providers (for people that might have stayed another night in Darwin).


Q4. SOCIAL – Will the current project help ease Darwin’s housing affordable crisis?


There is no affordable housing included in the project. Houses at Lee Point are typically selling for over $0.7M. Local people that buy these houses would probably be moving from high priced houses in other parts of Darwin ie. this does not free up any affordable housing.

Including a mix of affordable housing in the project would be a more viable option if it was located nearer to frequent public transport routes ie. Berrimah or Holtze.

Further information is at: Planning for Lee Point