What to do next?

Sign the petition calling on the (two) shareholder ministers of DHA intervene and stop the defence housing project at Lee Point and relocate it to a more suitable area.


Request Hon Tanya Plibersek MP (federal minister for environment and water) stop this unnecessary Lee Point housing development to avoid loss of biodiversity and encourage Gouldian Finches to stay in the Darwin area. There are much better housing locations available – read Planning for Lee Point 



Tanya Plibersek MP:

Email: Minister.Plibersek@dcceew.gov.au

Phone: 02 6277 7920


Copy in:

Threatened Species Commissioner



Luke Gosling OAM MP

Email: Luke.Gosling.MP@aph.gov.au

Phone: 08 8928 9189


Plus your local MLA, search here

Chief Minister: chief.minister@nt.gov.au

Tourism Minister: minister.manison@nt.gov.au



Sign the ECNT petition:


Please feel free to use any images off Friends of Lee Point Facebook page

Having Gouldian Finches breeding at Lee Point in these numbers is unprecedented – read more. It has yet to be properly understood but protecting Lee Point in the meantime is crucial – read why. The NT Government agrees it would be beneficial to find the tree hollows where the gouldians have been breeding but this will take time.

Gouldian Finches are attracting lots of visitors to Darwin and it’s our wonderful biodiversity (includes all living things) that keeps visitors here – we need to protect our habitat.