Contact email: friendsofleepoint@gmail.com
Friends of Lee Point (FLP) aim is to conserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of Lee Point/Binybara.
It was formed on the 25 July 2020 at a public meeting hosted by PLan – Planning Action Network Inc , and became an incorporated association on the 2nd January 2024.
The objects and purposes from the FLP Constitution are, to:
- conserve and enhance the natural beauty and biodiversity of Lee Point/Binybara;
- advocate for the conservation of connected savanna habitat from Lee Point to Shoal Bay Coastal Reserve to support the biodiversity of Lee Point/Binybara;
- initiate and support campaigns and other programs and other efforts that protect the natural and cultural heritage of Lee Point/Binybara;
- encourage appropriate urban planning which complements the natural beauty and biodiversity of Lee Point/Binybara.
Membership and payment
Life membership fee is $25.
Why become a financial member?
- Connections to groups/people that have an interest in Lee Point/Binybara and conserving Darwin’s quality of life for future generations.
- Voting rights and a say in FLP direction.
- Discounts on FLP merchandise.
PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR JOINING ($25 membership fee)
1 PayPal donation – pay via the donation button (bottom of this webpage). In the PayPal Notes section;
- add the words “FLP membership”, your name plus
- provide a reason for joining and any special skills you may have.
2 Bank transfer to FLP Inc plus send email to friendsofleepoint@gmail.com with name, phone number (optional), add words “FLP membership”, reason for joining and any special skills you may have:
- BSB: 633-000
- Account No: 213481039
3 Pay cash in person to FLP Treasurer and email to these details to
friendsofleepoint@gmail.com ; name, phone number (optional), and add words “FLP membership”.
Committee members (updated 25 March 2025)
Convener – Ian Redmond – contact 0427 796 470
Vice-convener – David Percival
Treasurer – Gayle Laidlaw
Secretary – tba
Public Officer – Amanda Lilleyman
Committee – Nick Kirlew
Committee – Chris Cox
Committee – Andrew Bell
Committee – vacant